The Project
The COVID-19 research project examined the key challenges – in the short, medium and longer term – facing particular populations of young people in particular places. The project delivered evidence informed solutions to these challenges.
The project participants were young people aged 16-24 years who lived in the City of Greater Geelong and had contact with one of the key stakeholders in the Geelong Region Local Learning and Employment Network (GRLLEN) and/or Skilling the Bay.
We used innovative, platform based, video capture technologies to conduct a series of video interviews with young people as we tracked their education, training and employment pathways in COVID ‘normal’ socio-ecologies that were profoundly shaped by historical and contemporary processes of disadvantage and marginalisation.
We worked with academic, community, business, the not-for-profit sector, and government stakeholders to develop scenarios in relation to identified situations, challenges, and possible futures.
The Challenge
The world is currently in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic that is yet to run its epidemiological course. Many parts of the global economy are in crisis, and the variety of government, business and community responses to the crises hint at their scale and possible duration.
Historically, we know that young people carry a particularly heavy burden in the downstream of crises: in terms of their health and well-being, their engagement in education and training, and their transitions into work. We also know that certain places will be more heavily impacted by these crises, certain labour market sectors will be more heavily hit, and certain populations of young people are more at risk in relation to these challenges.
Project Videos
Anthony Costa Foundation (2021-2023)