I am the Head of UNESCO UNEVOC at RMIT University. My work is in the socio-cultural studies of education in the context of wider social and cultural change. My research examines the socio-cultural influences on identity construction with a focus on how the socio-ecologies of places shape (particularly young people’s) possibilities, options and choices around their health and wellbeing, resilience, and enterprise. I have been a chief investigator on projects funded by the New South Wales Department of Education, Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN), Inner Northern LLEN and through charitable organisations such as the Collier Charitable Fund and The Anthony Costa Foundation. I explore responses to questions such as what education in the 21st century might look like, and what its purposes are, and what young people need to learn, the ‘skills’ that they need to develop to be productive, creative and enterprising.