My name is Armaan. I am 17 years old. My interests are sports, including footy, basketball, bowling and cricket, video games, designing things using software apps. I like watching movies such as The Dark Knight, Top Gun, World War Z. I live with my parents, my grandmother and sister.
CORE Capabilities
Co-design is the process where people work together to create something of value tailored to their needs and preferences that is built around four CORE capabilities (collaboration, openness, respect, and empowerment). How these are evidenced is profiled below:
Collaboration – demonstrating how I work as part of a team.
I talk to people who I am working with and help them. I listen to others, come up with suggestions and ideas and follow instructions. In the canteen, I have made pizza with the team, including making dough, which is a good skill and experience.
Openness – Demonstrating how I listen to the ideas of other team members, and how I make judgements by weighing the pros and cons of different ideas.
I am good at introducing myself. I can listen to people and follow instructions. I can cope with things changing over time, such as trains being delayed or cancelled. I always contact my family to let them know if I’ll be late.
Respect – Demonstrating how I express my ideas and how I react to the ideas of others.
I treat others with kindness and respect and help others if they need it. I am able to stand up for myself. During work experience I had to be very careful towards customers to make sure they are safe at all times. When I am driving I obey the road rules.
Empowerment – Demonstrating my independent decision-making, how I show pride in my work and that of my team, and how I support others.
I have lots of skills. I have done work experience. At Woolworths I took out empty shelves and brought the products forward to make it easier for customers to grab the product and buy it. I’ve also guided customers to where they can find the products they need. I’ve been in there for around 6 hour shifts each time I have worked. I have my Learner’s Permit and take driving lessons twice a week. I can use public transport independently by reading timetables and managing my own money.